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Clean stained iron with toothpaste?

To remove dirty from the surface of your iron cover the cold plate of the iron with non-gel toothpaste and leave it for 2-3 minutes. To polish the surface wipe it off with soft cotton towel with gentle and circular motions. Rinse the toothpaste. Turn the iron on maximum temperature and push the steam button to clean any toothpaste residue left in the steam vents.

How to …

Deodorize cloths with unflavoured vodka?

When it comes odor removal, consider vodka your go-to spirit. Its high alcohol content react and neutralizes odors. Pour some in a spray bottle, then spritz it on the musty cloths then leave on cloth for 1 hour. As the alcohol evaporates, it will lift the odors away too.

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Brighten Dull Whites using Boiled Lemons

To get your dull white fabric brightened, Mix ½ cup lemon juice with one gallon of not very hot water. Add your WAW laundry detergent in the solution and soak your cloths in it for about 30 min. The citric acid in lemons acts as a bleaching agent and as such removes light stains on white fabrics.

How to …

Remove chewing gum from your cloth?
Put the clothes in a sealable freezer bag and freeze them for 2-3 hours. The cold temperature makes the gum polymers to coagulate into non-sticky lump which could be scrape off in one chunk.